IAC News
IAC News No.58, August 2017
Japan Society of Civil Engineers International Activities Center August 1, 2017 IAC News No.58
A Message from the President:
“I Aim to Lead JSCE to Achieve a Leading Position in the World”
Hisakazu Ohishi
105th JSCE President
The changing patterns of climates and weathers are being recognized in relation to global warming. Rising sea levels, extreme hurricanes, storms, and typhoons, tornados which sweep away crops, animals, houses, and even the contents of houses, and heavy rains and torrential downpours which can cause dangerous flooding, are happening. In the meantime, drastic changes in the environment and natural disasters, posing a threat to life such as prolonged droughts and extending arid and desert areas are occurring around the world.
Japan is, in addition to the aforesaid global warming related phenomena, facing challenges such as an increase in seismic activities and activation anomalies and aging population coupled with the decrease in working-age population in these years. The country is striving to tackle those challenges under the severest conditions that occur in the world.
“Doboku: civil engineering” is the body of intellectual production to secure the domain of our human existence, keeping in harmony with great nature. Those who are pursuing common goals should unite themselves to bring out their strengths, secure that domain and rebuild strategies for responding to natural hazards.
Meanwhile, advanced countries have been facing the challenge of aging infrastructures: they are striving to repair and maintain those infrastructures to be usable and useful for next generations. The problems posed in “America in Ruins” in the 1980’s is the very common challenge the advanced countries are dealing with right now.
It is blessing that the Internet of Things (IOT) has been making exponential progress, and Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have become pervasive in the maintenance and management of public facilities in these years. Many countries will further strive to develop the applications of those state-of-art technologies and implement them to build early warning systems, to predict the risks and impact of natural hazards, to identify problems on structures and appropriate repair works, competing against one another. It would be great if Japan could excel and acquire a strong position in the development and implementation of those technologies.
The world filled with technical competitions and intellectual challenges will certainly attract those who are talented and motivated to excel in what they have been involved in. The Japanese civil engineering would be the one for them and take the leadership in field.
Please find the president’s biography on the website: http://www.jsce-int.org/node/515
【Alumni of DOBOKU Series】
“Japan Infrastructure Alumni and Its Collaboration with Infrastructure Engineering Program in Vietnam Japan University”
Phan Le Binh
JICA Long-term Expert/Lecturer, Vietnam Japan University
Phan Le Binh
Important roles of Vietnamese student after studying in Japan
Since 1993, when official aid from Japan was resumed to Vietnam, with scholarships provided from the Government of Japan, the number of undergraduate and graduate Vietnamese students in Japan has increased continuously. Besides governmental scholarships, there are many cases where students receive scholarships from several organizations or funds, or come to Japan as self-supported students. In the fiscal year of 2015, number of Vietnamese students in Japan reached 38,882[1] persons (18.7%[1] among foreign students from the world to Japan), ranked 2nd next to China. Their majors are widely diverse such as IT, electronic and electric engineering, agriculture, economic, environment, medical science, law etc. A relatively large part of them major in civil engineering. Now, 24 years after the departure of the first student, there are many students coming back to Vietnam after their graduation and working in universities, governmental organizations, and local or foreign companies including Japanese companies. In earliest cases, some students have come back and worked in the country for 17-18 years, some of them became the rectors of universities, or the general directors of a ministry. In many cases, ex-students from Japan now are having middle management positions in their companies or organizations.
[1]From home page of Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
Activities of Japan Infrastructure Alumni in Vietnam
In Hanoi city, the capital of Vietnam, in order to strengthen the human network of ex-students who have studied in infrastructure field in Japan, “Japan Infrastructure Alumni in Vietnam” started in October 2015 based on the initiative by 4-5 ex-students and secretaries who were in charges of infrastructure in the Embassy of Japan. To be held at the frequency of every 2-3 months, the meeting has been organized 8 times so far, with 15-30 participants in each meeting. To make a casual atmosphere to encourage participation, the meeting do not have formal member registration. Instead, each core member call for participation among their personal network. Any ex-student or ex-researcher who study infrastructure field in Japan is eligible to join the meeting. So far, ex-students who are now working in universities, governmental organizations and enterprises have joined the meetings. Besides ex-students, experts dispatched from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) (known as JICA experts) to the infrastructure field in Vietnam and secretaries dispatched from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) to the Embassy of Japan, also joined nearly every meeting. Taking into account the participations of colleagues of ex-students, the participants of the 7th meeting held in December 2016 agreed on the rule that any person who accompanied by an ex-student would be eligible to join the meeting.
Meetings are usually held in late afternoon. In each meeting, after hearing presentations from some participants about their works or their researches, participants have active networking in “Bia hơi”, a popular beer garden in Hanoi with low alcohol beers. Because the jobs which they are engaged in are diverse, the participants can hear various topics, such as capacity enhancement for governmental organizations in the field of quality management of construction works, institutional organization for road maintenance, construction technology for subways, application of weathering steels, etc. as “a talk from a friend.” The most important point is that not only can reunite and renew friendship with old friends during the period of study in Japan, the participants can expand their networks in these meetings. Furthermore, through newly formed networks, a contract between a Japanese firm and a Vietnamese university has been concluded. In addition, the 8th meeting held in March 2017 was connected with the seminar co-organized by Japan Society of Civil Engineering (JSCE) and National University of Civil Engineering (NUCE) to enhance the fruitfulness of the alumni.
Collaboration with Master Program for Infrastructure Engineering in Vietnam Japan University
The author is working at Vietnam Japan University (VJU). This university is newly established as a symbol of friendship of the two countries under the agreement of their top-level leaders. It aims to become a leading research institute in Asia while providing high quality human resources equipped with a broad vision to enterprises. Established in July 2014 by a decision from the Prime Minster of Vietnam, after nearly two years of preparation, the university started its educational operation in September 2016 with 68 master students of the first batch in 6 Master Programs. Nearly half of lecturers (about 70-80 persons in 6 programs) are dispatched from nearly 20 cooperating universities in Japan through JICA’s cooperation scheme. Master Program for Infrastructure Engineering (MIE) is being supported by Department of Civil Engineering of The University of Tokyo by incorporating a large part of its current curriculum. Lecturers from The University of Tokyo, Tsukuba University, Showa Women University and Ibaraki University cooperate with lecturers from top level universities in Vietnam to offer lectures in MIE. Education is mostly implemented in English. We also provide Japanese language education for beginners to students. The author joined every alumni meeting when staying in Hanoi and organized the 5th meeting in VJU campus right after the long-term assignment started in Hanoi in July 2016. Since September 2016, new students entering MIE were encouraged to join every alumni meeting. We hope that students of MIE will not only learn from the works of their senior ex-students, but also utilize this opportunity to widen their networks with those who do not have chance to meet on campus. We expect that in the near future, students will receive advices about internships and job hunting from these seniors in the network, and in a far future, they will evolve to be colleagues who will cooperate with each other in their works.
Profile: Born in 1973, study in Japan during 1993-2003. Doctoral degree in transportation engineering from The University of Tokyo. In charge of transportation planning and urban planning projects in Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in 12 years. Dispatched to Vietnam Japan University since 2016 as a JICA long-term expert/lecturer. 2013 awardee of JSCE International Outstanding Collaboration Award.
※Alumni of DOBOKU Series is in collaboration with Editorial Committee of JSCE Magazine.
Presentation by an alumni member
Networking reception in “Bia hơi”
JSCE, HAKI and ITB joint seminar 2017
“Introduction of Users’ Viewpoints in Post Appraisal of ODA Infrastructure Project”
JSCE Construction Management Committee, JSCE Indonesia Section, Himpunan Ahli Konstruksi Indonesia (HAKI) and Institute Technology Bandung (ITB) organized “International Joint Seminar on Introduction of Users’ Viewpoints in Post Appraisal of ODA Infrastructure Project”, on 30 March 2017 at Center for Research and Community Services (CSRS), ITB in Bandung, Indonesia.
ODA projects on infrastructure construction often accomplish its initial purpose insufficiently. For example, inappropriate maintenance for infrastructure causes that case. This seminar was held to share current situations and the problems of consideration of users’ perspectives in ODA projects, and discuss the methods of considering users’ perspectives in post-project evaluations.
Six persons attended from Japan. Prof. Junji YOKOKURA, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Associate Prof. Satoshi YAMAOKA, Utsunomiya University, Mr. Yasuyuki SUZUKI, CTI Engineering Co., Ltd., Associate Prof. Takashi GOSO, Kochi University of Technology and Prof. Tsunemi WATANABE, Kochi University of Technology are the members of subcommittee on international collaboration in JSCE Construction Management Committee. Mr. Hideyuki KANOSHIMA, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, is a member of Indonesia Group of JSCE International Activities Center.
A Japanese ODA project has been conducted for construction of the campus of ITB since 1990. As a side note, the CSRS, the site of the seminar, was also built by Japanese ODA. Therefore, the theme of this seminar was significant for professors and staff of ITB, the secretariat of the seminar, not only as a researcher and policy recommender but as a person in charge of the ODA project.
Though Prof. Rizal Tamin, Institute Technology Bandung, an authority of construction management in Indonesia, could not attend the seminar due to his business, he made a speech and gave a time of discussion relating the theme of the joint seminar at the opening reception.
Over 70 persons attended the seminar. There were impassioned presentations and heated discussions. At lunch, the participants enjoyed an excellent performance of Angklung, one of traditional instruments in Indonesia by ITB students.
Seminar schedule is as follows.
29 March | <Opening Reception > Professor Rizal Z. TAMIN, ITB Pre-Discussion - Introduction of Users’ Viewpoints in Post Appraisal of ODA Infrastructure Project |
30 March | <Opening speech > Professor WAWAN Gunawan, Resume: Vice Rector of Finance, Planning and Development, ITB <Keynote lecture > < Morning session > <Lunch > performance of Angklung by ITB students <Afternoon session > <Closing speech > Professor Tsunemi WATANABE |
I felt that the presenters and secretariat on the Indonesian side were familiar with and also grateful to the Japanese ODA projects, and noticed that Japanese ODA projects had some points to be improved. For example, the case of construction project on the ITB campus showed one of the points. Though JICA required ITB to make a master plan of the construction, ITB staff could not include all users’ viewpoints into the plan enough in spite of their effort. It was reported that this had caused the design without enough consideration in the stage of planning and smooth progress of the project had been prevented by visible complaints at the stage of detailed design. It is required to solve such problem that ODA donor and ODA recipient cooperate to consider and execute the measures for improvement. The theme of this seminar, “Introduction of Users’ Viewpoints in Post Appraisal of ODA Infrastructure Project” plays an important role for the consideration and execution.
JSCE Construction Management Committee plans to share and consider issues of this seminar with JICA. After that, the committee and JICA develop a method for introducing users’ viewpoints in post-project appraisal of ODA Infrastructure project in reference to the responses for the result of consideration on issues from Indonesia.
Many people offered great support to hold this joint seminar. I would like to heartily thank Dr. Dewi Larasat, an associate professor at Institute Technology Bandung who supported the seminar as a chief of secretary. This joint seminar was held by subsidy from JSCE International Scientific Exchange Fund (ISEF). I wish to express my deepest thanks.
(The affiliation and position of presenters/attendees written in this paper are those at the seminar.)
At the Opening Reception
Performance of Angklung by ITB students
All Participants with hope for reunion
【Reported by Prof. Tsunemi Watanabe (Kochi Univ. of Technology), Construction Management Committee】
JSCE Awards FY2016
23 civil engineers including 6 non-Japanese engineers were recognized with the three awards International Lifetime Contribution Award, Continuing International Contribution Award, and International Outstanding Collaboration Award at the JSCE Award ceremony held during JSCE General Assembly on June 9, 2017.
For further details, please visit http://www.jsce-int.org/a_t/international.
Respective awardees are as following tables.
< International Lifetime Contribution Award: 4 winners >
The Award recognizes (1) Japanese civil engineers for their significant contributions to the development of civil engineering technology and/or the infrastructure development through their professional practices in and outside Japan; (2) non-Japanese civil engineer(s) for his/her commendable achievements to the progress and promotion of Japanese civil engineering.
Sigeru Kikukawa | IHI Inc. |
Akihiko Togo | Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd. |
Minoru Dohi | Kajima Corporation |
Mochamad Basoeki Hadimoeljono | Minister of Public Works & People’s Housing, Indonesia |
< Continuing International Contribution Award: 14 winners >
The Award recognizes young professionals who have made and will make a significant contribution to the development of civil engineering and/or the development of infrastructure outside Japan with their unique and inspiring perspectives and solid technical skills.
Yoichi Otsuka | Konoike Construction Co., Ltd. | Naoaki Sonobe | Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. |
Tomoyuki Ogawa | Kajima Corporation | Kota Tsunakawa | Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. |
Ryoji Kajihara | Taisei Corporation | Yasuyuki Nakagawa | National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology |
Toshiaki Kamenoi | Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd. | Masataka Fujikuma | Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. |
Takashi Kawasaki | Obayashi Corporation | Hirotada Matsuki | Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism |
Yukihiro Koizumi | Japan International Cooperation Agency | Takayuki Matsumoto | Shimizu Corporation |
Kazuhiko Shimoyama | Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd. | Yasuhisa Miwa | JFE Engineering Corporation |
< International Outstanding Collaboration Award: 5 winners >
The Award recognizes foreigners who has made contributions to the development of civil engineering in Japan or other countries, through the exchange and collaboration with Japan, and is expected to play an active role in the progress and development of civil engineering field.
Hassan Ammar | Taisei Corporation |
Shengchuan Zhao | Dalian University of Technology |
Somnuk Tangtermsirikul | Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT) |
Tuenjai Fukuda | Asian Transportation Research Society(ATRANS) |
A.F.M. Saiful Amin | Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology(BUET) |
On July 14th, the award ceremony was held to celebrate the winner of JSCE International Lifetime Contribution Award, Dr. Ir. Mochamad Basoeki Hadimoeljono, Minister of Public Works & People’ s Housing, Indonesia, at Fukuracia Tokyo Station, hosted by IAC. The Minister delivered a speech at the celebration.
- Summary of feature articles in JSCE Magazine Vol. 102, No. 8, August 2017 is available on the JSCE website.
http://www.jsce-int.org/pub/magazine - Journal of JSCE
The Journal of JSCE is the collection of research papers which can be viewed on the JSCE website.
https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/journalofjsce - CECAR8 Call for Abstract has started on August 1st.
http://www.cecar8.jp/ - Concrete Committee International Newsletter No. 50
http://www.jsce.or.jp/committee/concrete/e/newsletter/newsletter50/index.html - IAC Students and Alumni Network
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