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Events & Conferences

JSCE Annual Meeting

JSCE Annuall Meeting is one of major gathering of civil engineers in Japan. The annual meeting, which is usually held in early September, draws over 5,000 attendees across the country and abroad, and over 3,000 research papers and poster are presented.

2024 JSCE Annual Meeting

Date & Time September 2-6

September  2-3: Online

September  4: Sendai International Center 

September 5-6: Tohoku University



IAC  Discussion Theme: Junctions, Paths, and Future ~Paradigm Shift~

2023 JSCE Annual Meeting

Date & Time September 11-15

September 11-12: Online

September 13: The International Conference Center Hiroshima (ICCH) 

September 14-15: Hiroshima University & Hiroshima Institute of Technology


「不確実な時代における土木の新たな挑戦 ~技術でつながる「適散適集」な社会~」

IAC  Discussion Theme: Junctions, Paths, and Future Crossroads of Civil Engineering

2022 JSCE Annual Meeting

Date & Time September 12-16

September 12-13: Online

September 14: Kyoto International Conference Center

September 15-16: Kyoto University



IAC  Discussion Theme: Junctions, Paths, and Future Crossroads of Civil Engineering

2021 JSCE Annual Meeting

Date & Time September 6-10
Venue Online Conference (Tokai University, Shonan Campus)

「これまでも、これからも生活経済社会の礎を築く土木 ~市民と連携し、インフラのビッグ・ピクチャーを描こう~」

Int'l RTM Theme: Changing Society and Future Infrastructure

2020 JSCE Annual Meeting

Date & Time September 7-9
Venue Online Conference

「守る・攻める・変わる ~持続的な成長を支える土木の変革~」

2019 JSCE Annual Meeting

Date & Time September 3-5, 9:00-18:00
Venue Kagawa University Saiwai-cho Campus

"Challenges of Civil Engineering in Addressing Extreme Threats of Natural Disasters -Towards Resilient Society-"

Int'l RTM Theme:  Effectiveness of Developing Quality Infrastructure-Issues and Approaches

>>>Int’l Program  & At-A-Glance

2018 JSCE Annual Meeting

Date & Time August 29-31, 9:00-18:00
Venue Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus

"Role of Civil Engineering in Developing Social Innovations"

Int'l Panel Discussion Theme:  Comparison of Infrastructure Maintenance and Resilience among Asian and Western Countries

>>>Int’l Program  & At-A-Glance

2017 JSCE Annual Meeting

Date & Time September 11-13, 9:00-18:00
Venue Kyushu University Ito Campus, Inamori Center, Big Sando and others

"Future Challenges and Globalization in Civil Engineering"

Int'l RTM Theme: Implementing ICTs within the Construction Industry and Infrastructure Maintenance

>>>Int’l Program  & At-A-Glance

2016 JSCE Annual Meeting

Date & Time September 7-9, 9:00-18:00
Venue Tohoku University Kawauchi-Kita Campus & Sendai International Center

"From Reconstruction to Creation, Revitalizing Regional Areas with the Power of Civil Engineering"

Int'l RTM Theme: Expectation for CIM (BIM for Instructure) in Innovation of Construction Productin Systems

>>>Int’l Program  & At-A-Glance

2015 JSCE Annual Meeting

Date & Time September 16-17, 9:00-18:00
Venue Graduate School of Natrual Science and Technology Resaerch Bldg., Okayama Univ. Tsushima Campus

Civil Engineering to Create a Future Positive with Community-We are going to take a new step forward-

Int'l RTM Theme: Leveraging Bid Date for Infrastructure Management and Sustainable Develpment

>>>Int’l Program   


>>> Int'l RTM details and registration: Please register for the RTM on the "registarion for JSCE's events "本部主催行事参加申込” online. The RTM is part of the JSCE Annual Meeting in Okayama, and you are encouraged to register that meeting, too.


2014 JSCE Annual Meeting

Date & Time September 10-12
Venue OSAKA University Toyonaka Campus



2013 JSCE Annual Meeting

Date & Time September 4-6, 9:00-19:30
Venue College of Industrial Technology, Nihon Univ. Tsudanuma Campus >>map
Theme Int'l RTM Theme: Infrastructure Maintenance and Renewal for AChieving Sustaiable Society

>>>More in Japanese

>>>Int'l Program

>>>At-A-Glance Program


2012 JSCE Annual Meeting

Date & Time September 5-7, 9:00-19:30
Venue Nagoya Univ. Higashiyama Campus >>map
Theme Regional Reconstruction and National Revitalization:The Role of Civil Engineering

>>>Int'l Program

2011 JSCE Annual Meeting

Date & Time Wednesday, September 7, 15:00-17:00
Venue Media Hall, Center for Information Technology, Ehime Univesity Johoku Campus:  Map
Theme "PPP Policy, Guidelines, and Project Implementation”

>>>Int'l Program


Past JSCE Annual Meeting

>>>View more JSCE Annual Meetings