Associate Member
<JSCE Associate Member>
Who is Associate Member?
Associate Membership makes you part of the JSCE community of civil engineering professionals and connect you to latest technology news and trends in the civil engineering field worldwide. Associate members shall be foreign nationals residing a country other than Japan, support JSCE’s objectives and have an interest in taking part in JSCE’s activities. Associate Membership is valid from the effective date of your registration until the end of each fiscal year. You may renew your membership by informing you of your intention to renew it to a JSCE International Section near you.
>>JSCE’s fiscal year starts April 1 one year and ends March 31 the following year.
How to Apply
Please contact a JSCE International Section near you and obtain Associate Membership application. Then, you fill in the application and submit it to the JSCE International Section. The JSCE International Section will process your application and issue you “Certificate of Associate Membership of Japan Society of Civil Engineers.”
Please use attached “JSCE ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION” for your sign-up.
>>Download Application Form (which is used by those who live not in Japan. Please find a JSCE's nine International Sections near you. The list of the internatioanl sections are listed below.)
There is no set requirement to become an Associate Member of JSCE.
・Receive membership dues waived.
・Receive “JSCE IAC News” in your email box every month, free of charge.
・Receive an electronic “Certificate of Associate Membership of JSCE” and ID card.
・Access to the communities of JSCE and JSCE International Sections.
・Access a wide range of expertise through the network of JSCE and JSCE International Sections.
・Attend a wide range of meetings and activities hosted by the JSCE International Sections and International Activities Center (IAC)
“Open seminar on regional development” (Indonesia, Feb 2016),
“Joint seminar-measures for public transport development in medium cities of Vietnam”(Vietnam, Dec 2015),
“Joint seminar on maintenance of concrete structures in Philippines” (the Philippines, Aug 2015),
“The 20th National Convention on Civil Engineering of EIT “(Thailand, July 2015)
・Upgrade Associate Membership to Individual Regular Membership or Student Membership anytime. *Please check annual membership dues on the JSCE website (
・Access to the monthly JSCE magazine (in Japanese) online, which is available free one year after they are published.
Please contact JSCE International Sections near you!
(1) Taiwan Section President: Prof. Jing-Hong Wu Secretary General: Assist. Prof. Wu-Te Ko Email: |
(2) Korea Section President: Dr. Jae Kwon Kim Email: |
(3) UK Section President: Dr. Taku Fujiyama Vice President: Mr. Teruhiko Tsumura Email: |
(4) Mongolia Section President: Dr. Zorig Dalibag Vice President: Mr. Notake, Kazuaki Manager: Ms. Khongorzul Khalzan Email: |
(5) Turkey Section President: Prof. Zeki Hasgur Secretary General: Assoc. Prof. Bayza Taskin Email: |
(6) Indonesia Section President: Prof. Dr. Sutanto Soehodho Email: |
(7) Thailand Section President: Dr. Samart Ratchapolsitte Secretary General: Prof. Varameth Vichiensan Email: |
(8) Philippines Section President: Prof. Ricardo G. Sigua Secretary General: Prof. Jose F. Regin Regidor Email: |
(9) Vietnam Section President: Mr. Yosui Seki Email: |
(10) JSCE International Activities Center Secretariat Email:; *Those who are not in the areas of (1)~(9) may contact the IAC directly. |