International Activities Committee
The International Activities Committee was first established in April 1989 as International Ad Hoc Committee to deal with the rapidly progressing internationalization movement. Its main objective was to carry out business transactions pertaining to the administration of the International Scientific Exchange Fund, which was established in commemoration of the JSCE 75th Anniversary. Its name was changed to International Activities Committee in 1991.
The committee was originally divided into 2 sections.
Section 1
This section was in charge of preparing documents for the screening of grant recipients, and providing additional support in administration of the International Scientific Exchange Fund.
Section 2
In addition to the roles played by the Committee on Overseas Activities, this section's main goal is to disseminate information and interact with the international community. Through involvements in international exchange, international coordination, and international debates, it aims to contribute to the enhancement of the civil engineering field. This is made possible through voluntary cooperation of IAC members and officers. It has succeeded in concluding many Agreements of Cooperation with other similar Societies / Institutions.
Section 1 later became a separate committee, the International Scientific Exchange Fund Committee. The present activities of the International Activities Committee are focused on the tasks mentioned under Section 2 of the above.