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2013 International Workshop for Young Engineers

Your Career as a Civil Engineer and Our Future Society

       (JSCE 2013 Annual Meeting International program)

Date & Time

5th September, 2013 (Thu) 13:00 – 17:45


College of Industrial Technology, Nihon Univ. Tsudanuma Campus


After last year’s success, International Students Network Group, the International Activities Center (IAC) held the 15th International Summer Symposium at College of Industrial Technology, Nihon Univ., as one of the international programs of JSCE 2013 Annual Meeting. This year, the International Workshop for Young Engineers was jointly held with the Symposium, co-hosted by IAC and the JSCE 100th Anniversary Planning Committee International group.


The theme of the workshop was, ’’Your Career as a Civil Engineer and Our Future Society”. 35 participants were mainly international students and young engineers who submitted their papers to the Summer Symposium, and the others were the nominees whom JSCE chapters had recommended.  The workshop included group discussion that the participants discussed possible tasks due to changing society and environment expecting the future in the next 40 years, the roles of civil engineering, and their prospective career. At the end of the workshop, each participant made a presentation.

The workshop began with the opening remarks by Prof. Yozo Fujino (the University of Tokyo), the 100th Anniversary Planning Committee Chair, regarding the history of civil engineering in Japan and hopes for young engineers. As a representative of former international students working for Japanese company, Dr. Phan Huu Duy Quoc (Shimizu Corporation) made a presentation about his experiences and information on working in Japan, and attracted the audience’s attention.

In group discussion section, the participants were divided into groups of about six people. They expressed their opinions that each had prepared in advance, and deepened the ideas through discussing similarities or differences between them. The opinions of the participants from variety of countries were different according to the country’s development or maturity, and there were active exchanges of ideas in various fields such as education, technical development, the global environment and international cooperation.

Every participant made a one-minute-presentation with a handwritten poster of A2 size then. Unique and colorful posters were created within a limited time, and spiced up the presentations. The poster session enhanced mutual exchanges between participants. The workshop provided young engineers a great and meaningful opportunity to consider their future tasks and career plans, and supported the participants networking each other.

The upcoming workshop will be held on a large scale inviting young engineers from overseas, as a part of JSCE’s 100th anniversary celebration events, during JSCE 2014 Annual Meeting (at Osaka University).

Information about the upcoming workshop (Autumn 2014)

Click here => http://www.jsce-int.org/node/249

IAC News

IAC News No.144, September 2024
