JSCE Magazine Summary & Index
Latest Magazine
vol.109 No.2 February 2024
Paradigm shifts in civil engineering technology
The development of Japan's national land has progressed rapidly through infrastructure construction, with civil engineering projects taking the lead in order to meet the needs of society and improve the standard of living of citizens.
In this special feature, we will discuss what the paradigm shift was in each fi eld of civil engineering. When does a paradigm shift occur? We are facing this question head-on. This issue’s theme is "Paradigm shift in civil engineering" and features people from many fi elds. Each article looks back at past paradigm shifts and offers various proposals and messages for the future development of civil engineering technology, so please read them.
We hope that this issue of the JSCE Magazine will help readers discover the possibilities and hopes of being a civil engineer, as well as reflect on the attitude of engineers and apply this to their own work and life.