FY2022 JSCE Annual Meeting
★IAC Discussion
“Junctions, Paths, and Future Crossroads of Civil Engineering”
JSCE International Activities Center will hold the IAC Discussion “Junctions, Paths, and Future Crossroads of Civil Engineering” on September 14.
We are looking for your participation.
◆Date & Time: September 14, 10:00-12:00 (JST)
◆Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center & Zoom Webinar
※Simultaneous interpretation between Japanese & English will be provided.
・Kyoto International Conference Center:150 people
・Zoom Webinar: 1000 people
◆Registration Fee: Free
◆Zoom Webinar URL: https://zoom.us/j/99615818509?pwd=WlRpazQrV3Y4YjdBNjhsTm9kOFQ1UT09
◆Passcode: 379526
◆Background and Aim
We never stop pursuing safer, more convenient, and comfortable infrastructure while enjoying the benefits of developed infrastructure in a civilized society. Recently we are seeing a lot of development made in the fields of AI and IoT and technical progress in various areas. Then, those developments and progress are influencing on social systems and structures, industries, and labor market, accordingly.
In the meantime, global issues such as advancing climate change, extreme weather events and Covid-19 pandemic have been happening one after and exacerbating global economic inequality, poverty another around the world. Where will we be able to find clues to solve those global issues, and how will we make the clues useful in our pursuing the goal?
Before running helter-skelter, let us give time to stop and look back to the past. We know we have seniors who have made a choice at every turning to overcome the challenges that they face and move themselves forward, not losing their focus on the future. Their ideas, knowledge, visions, and mettle will help us find clues to overcome various challenges and navigate the path of visualizing and building a future society.
In this discussion, experienced civil engineers and researchers share their experiences and efforts they have made at each turning in the development of civil engineering, and young engineers discuss what turnings they will encounter and what choices they will make at the turnings to realize the society that they look for in the future.
■ Moderator & Panelists
★Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Hiromasa Iwai, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
・Prof. Tamon Ueda, 2022 JSCE President, Distinguished Professor, Shenzhen University, Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University
・Dr. Yozo Fujino, President of Jyosai University
・Ms. Jane Howell & Ms. Eva Lerner-Lam, American Society of Civil Engineers
・Dr. Xiangsheng Chen, Professor, College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University
・Mr. Shuji Hashizume, Asian Development Bank
・Mr. Tatsuhito Kondo, Japan International Cooperation Agency
・Mr. Lewis Benjamin, Obayashi Corp.
・Dr. Jan-Dirk Schmecker, Assoc. Professor, Kyoto University
10:00~10:07 ・10:00~10:02: Introduction ・10:02~10:07: Opening remarks |
10:08~10:38: Presentation ・10:08~10:18: 6 important turning points in my past 50 years “Horizontal” rather than “vertical” ・10:18~10:28: TBA ・10:28~10:38: Basic indicators of China's infrastructure construction by the end of 2021 |
10:38~11:57: Discussion |
11:57~: Summary |