JSCE Magazine Summary & Index
Latest Magazine
vol.104 No.11 November 2019
Welcome to Japan! Internationalization of human resources in the field of civil engineering in Japan
This special feature focuses mainly on two topics as they relate to civil engineering in Japan. The first is securing labor. April 2019 saw the Revised Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act enacted, and recognition is growing regarding the critical nature of finding labor and technical professionals for industries like that of construction. The second topic covered is human resource diversity. Various companies and institutions in Japan are expanding and enhancing employment that emphasizes the diversification of personnel. Given these circumstances, this special feature provides an overview of the current state of hiring foreign national employees and efforts to date in the field of civil engineering in Japan, as well as examines issues that require solutions and explores future outlooks in the industry. In addition, this special feature aims to provide an understanding of the current state of growing diversity in human resources with the expansion of fields in which foreign nationals are active, using case studies of companies and institutions that are hiring foreign personnel.