Transdisciplinary Approach (TDA) for Building Societal Resilience to Disasters - Concepts and case study for practicing TDA -
It is obvious that resilience building against natural hazards needs the best available scientific knowledge as the basis of decision-making for implementing the disaster risk reduction (DRR). However, past disasters indicate that scientific knowledge is not necessarily incorporated in the decision-making process as well as it can be.
The 21st Technical Committee (TC21) of the Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council(ACECC) was established in 2016 to promote a new approach that makes a holistic and transformative approach to plan and implement scientific knowledge-based decision–making. That is the transdisciplinary approach (TDA) where scientists of all disciplines and stakeholders of all sectors work together for a common objective.
This book describes not only the concepts and potential power of TDA but also discusses the key components and structure of TDA models that were assessed through the case studies performed by TC21. The contents are intended to clarify the necessity of TDA and catalyze innovative approaches to implement scientific knowledge-based decision-making by TDA for DRR..
Transdisciplinary Approach (TDA) for Building Societal Resilience to Disasters (PDF)
[TC21-JSCE Editorial Group]
- Chief Editors: Kuniyoshi Takeuchi (University of Yamanashi, Japan)
Senro Kuraoka (Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.) - Associate Editors: Daisuke Fujita (CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd.)
Kenichi Tsukahara (Kyushu University, Japan)
Masashi Inoue (Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants, Inc.)
Masaru Arakida (Asian Disaster Reduction Center)
Mikio Ishiwatari (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Naoki Sakai (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)
Yoshihiro Katsuhama (Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.)