JSCE Magazine Summary & Index
Latest Magazine
vol.104 No.7 July 2019
Changing Civil Engineering, Unchanging Mission: Looking back on 30 years of civil engineering in the Heisei era
April 30, 2019 marked the last day of the Heisei era in Japan, a period that lasted a total of 30 years and four months. The social environment surrounding civil engineering saw dramatic changes in Japan over these three decades, including the bursting of the economic bubble, repeated financial crises, an aging and declining population, and the development and popularization of ICT and IoT technologies. Given this fact, it is appropriate that we look back on what has changed in civil engineering and what role it has played over the last 30 years.
This special feature covers these issues from several angles: changes in the social environment and how we work, taking on natural disasters, and the maintenance of infrastructure. In addition to holding a roundtable discussion with experienced engineers who began working 30 years ago and young engineers born 30 years ago, this special feature includes articles on efforts to prevent and mitigate natural disasters, the development of technologies that have supported the construction and maintenance of infrastructure, the social contributions made by civil engineering, and more.