JSCE Magazine Summary & Index
Latest Magazine
vol.104 No.6 June 2019
Our Civilization on a Volcanic Archipelago: What Historical Records of Disasters Tell Us About Future Problems
The special feature in the June 2019 issue is entitled “Living on a Volcanic Archipelago: What Historical Records of Disasters Tell Us About Future Problems.” Stone monuments and oral traditions warned of the devastation brought by the 1896 and 1933 Sanriku earthquakes. Yet, Japan suffered another disaster with the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Through this, we learned the importance of utilizing past lessons in future countermeasures and the critical nature of communicating lesson learned to future generations. Japan is well known for being a volcanic archipelago. Many also understand that volcanic eruptions have destroyed cities throughout the world’s history. But, have we put sufficient preparations in place for possible volcanic eruptions? Or have we resigned ourselves by considering such disasters to be force majeure events out of our control? This special feature covers basic information on volcanoes in Japan, risk assessments of low-frequency large-scale disasters, administrative countermeasures, observations from space, and benefits unique to countries with volcanic activity. Through these different angles, readers will have a chance to ponder future large-scale eruptions.