The 21st International Summer Symposium in 2019
The International Summer Symposium (ISS) provides a platform for international students and engineers to present, discuss and exchange their research interest in English. It consists of paper presentations, a half day workshop, and Networking Reception.
The 21st ISS will be held on 3 and 4 September 2019 as part of Common Sessions of 2019 JSCE Annual Meeting at Kagawa University Saiwai-cho Campus.
We look forward to your participation.
=> Photos of the ISS in 2017 and 2018.
Paper Presentation(2017) International Workshop for Young Civil Engineers(2018)
September 3-4, 2019
Venue (Tentative)
・Kagawa University, Saiwai-cho campus (Paper Presentation)
・Kagawa Prefectural Comprehensive Social Welfare Center(International Workshop for Young Civil Engineers )
Presentation Timetable:
・Paper Presentation(International Session:CS-02)
Date: September 3-4, 2019
Time: 8:40 - 11:55
Room: Kagawa University Saiwai-cho Campus
・International Workshop for Young Civil Engineers (WS)
Date: September 3, 2019
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
Room: 7F, Kagawa Prefectural Comprehensive Social Welfare Center
WS Theme: 「When a Mega Disaster Strikes...- How would you respond if you were a mayor?-」
WS Outline: This workshop provides participants with the same experience as mayors in Miyagi Prefecture gained in the workshop held for them half a year before the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. In this workshop, every participant acts as the mayor of a city damaged by a mega disaster. The participants discuss Common Operational Picture (COP) and Incident Action Plan (IAP); what situation should be in the city in a week. Each group makes a report of the goals and response policies of the city as a mayor in the end of workshop.
・Maximum Participants: 42 people
※If participants capacity reached, selection will be conducted by IAC International Student Network Group.
・Networking Reception
Date: September 3, 2019
Time(Tentative): 17:30 - 19:30
Venue:Café Sorami, University Hall 2F., Kagawa University Saiwai-cho Campus
How to apply
International Workshop for Young Civil Engineersでは日本人学生、留学生の参加を募集しています。
What's New
3/4 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF PAPERS (PDF) ※Updated the submission website
Koji Kevin Arai
International Activities Center, JSCE