JSCE Magazine Summary & Index
Latest Magazine
vol.104 No.1 January 2019
Toward Innovation on Education of Civil Engineers at University by Various Teaching and Learning Method – Computer Education and Active Learning-
Higher education institutes such as universities has been continuously making efforts for education to meet any needs of the times. Recently, It is a future and current consideration how we can educate students and engineers with ability to tackle technological innovation using artificial intelligence et al. A computer education and active learning method may confidently have a high possibility for these educations by collaboration together. Therefore the articles focused on forefront of educations as a case study regarding on computer education and active learning.
In the first half, the articles summarize current and future situation of education not only on higher education but also primary and secondary education. These education before higher will start new education with consideration on “Computational (logical) thinking”. In view point from actual civil engineering field, it is very important for students to be impressed about fundamental reorganization on value of problem finding, analyzing and solving ability with communication over multi-disciplinary.
In the last half, the articles introduce the activities of a committee on JSCE which has published the textbook for civil engineering informatics. There are also a lot of valuable keywords on education of university such as civil system for information networking, goal based learning, case method and project/problem based learning in collaboration with regional activities.
The special issue is expected to be helpful in creating new education for further technological innovation.
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