JSCE Magazine Summary & Index
Latest Magazine
vol.103 No.12 December 2018
Imagine the Future of Road Traffic
Roads and the environments surrounding them are changing. For example, Japan’s population is expected to decline, and, accordingly, so are future traffic volumes. Society continues to age, as well. Looking at vehicles, automated driving is in the experimental stage, with autonomous cars being tested on public roads, a trend that cannot be overlooked. Other changes include young people losing interest in cars, a move towards sharing (popularization of carsharing services), and developments in ICT. As road environments go through these changes, traffic congestion, traffic accidents, and environmental problems persist. In addition, when compared to other countries, there are far more (so-called ‘provisional’) two-lane expressways in Japan with a single lane for each direction, problems in terms of road and traffic operations, and problems in terms of financial resources. So, what will roads look like in the future? This special feature provides an opportunity to rediscover the value of infrastructure by looking into the roads of the future from a variety of angles as well as a chance to reexamine our mindset towards a future that continues to change.
(02) Presidential Message
(04) Feature article
Imagining the Future of Road Traffic
(06)Likely prospects of road traffic in the future
OGUCHI Takashi
(10) Future Cars
KOMODA Kiyoshi
(12) Envisioning future road traffic ─For respond to new traffic needs─
MORI Masafumi, ASAKURA Yasuo, MOHRI Yuichi
(18) The future of Highway Network
TAMURA Hisashi
(20) Functionally Hierarchical Road Network as a Key for the Sustainable National Land, Region and City Design
(24) Functions of Street in the City
(26) Advanced and Expected Road Surface Freight Systems in the Future
HYODO Tetsuro
(28) The Current and Future State of Car Sharing Service
(30) Diversification of traffic information:Traffic information of Metropolitan Expressway
OKANO Takashi
(32) Transition of Road Improvement after World War II
(34) Natural Disasters and Their Damages
Report on Coastal Damage due to Typhoon Jebi on September 4, 2018
MORI Nobuhito, YASUDA Tomohiro, NAKAJO Sota, KATAOKA Tomoya, SUZUKI Kojiro, ARIKAWA Taro
(38) Admiration of Civil Engineering Heritages by JSCE:Civil Engineering Heritage Sites Section
Takinoue Hydroelectricity Powerplant ─One of Records of Yubari Coal Mine─
(40) Let's go abroad
The Research of Civil Engineering for Connecting the Netherlands and Japan Through the Lens of History
WAMOTO Kazumasa
(42) Alumni of DOBOKU ─The pages for people linked to Japan─
Reflecting on my Time at Kyoto University and Adventures Beyond
(44) Report Experiment Facilities
Accurate evaluation for seismic response of surface ground ─Application of the Hybrid ground response simulator─
(46) Numerical Analysis Seminar for Civil Engineer without a mathematical formula
Unified Analysis of Structural Concrete and Cyclic Induction and Deduction
(50) Let’s try to learn great civil engineers
Enzo Ota ; who realized the urban infrastructures of modern Tokyo
(52) My Bookshelf
(53)The movement of my heart
HOMBU Kazuhiko
(54)Focus on the infrastractural components in the civil engineering
(56) JSCE Member's Report
A Challenge for Regional Revitalization Project with International Development and Student Participation Approach
(60)Messages from outside
(62) Civil Engineering Topics
A Newly Established Department of Civil Engineering Field for the First Time in the last 36 Years as a National University ─Department of Civil Design and Engineering, Faculty of Sustainable Design, University of Toyama─
KUBOTA Yoshiaki
(64) Advisers' Column
(66) International Activities Center
(70) JSCE Updates
(79) News
(80) CE Careers
(82) JSCE Calendar
(100) Next Issues
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