JSCE Magazine Summary & Index
Latest Magazine
vol.103 No.7 July 2018
Reconstruction and revitalization after the Great East Japan Earthquake
─ For the rebirth of Tohoku ─
Over seven years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake. Reconstruction projects continue; some are progressing steadily, some are at their midway points, and some are only about to see full-fledged advances made. However, with the passing months and years since the earthquake and prospects of the infrastructure restoration and reconstruction taking shape, the general public’s awareness has undeniably weakened when compared to what it used to be. And due to the fact that such efforts as rebuilding communities and revitalizing industries are confined to the region, there are bound to be conditions and issues that remain unknown to areas outside those affected.
The government has positioned the timeframe from 2016 to 2020 as the Reconstruction and Revitalization Period. It is meant to become the final stage of a decade-long reconstruction endeavor that should ultimately lead to the self-reliance of the affected areas and allow them to become models of regional revitalization.
Through this special feature, we hope to present an opportunity for readers to refocus their attention on the current conditions facing the affected areas and reexamine their own feelings about the situation.
(02) Presidential Message
(03) New Editional Committee Members
KAMADA Toshirou
(04) Feature article
Reconstruction and revitalization after the Great East Japan
Earthquake ─For rebirth of Tohoku─
(06) Measures for Accelerating Reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake
SEKI Katsumi, SUJINO Koji, YAMADA Koji
(10) The Reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake inRikuzentakata city
TOBA Futoshi
(14) JR line's restoration and reconstruction from tsunami disaster cooperating with the city plans ─The offering of the local transportation services to contribute to the reconstruction of the disaster-hit areas─
(16) The Aims of Tourism Promotion during the Reconstruction and Revitalization Period
MASUDA Satoru, INABA Masako
(18) Contribution to regional revitalization by Reconstruction Road Development
FUNAMI Shouichi
(20) For the Recovery of the Community in the Nuclear Accident Disaster Area of Fukushima
(24) The efforts of the Ministry of the Environment for reconstruction and recover in the Nuclear Accident Disaster Area of Fukushima
(26) Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination and Decommissioning:Current Status and Challenges
(28) For realization of Fukushima Innovation Coast Framework
MASUDA Hisakazu
(30) Considerations that we've things to convey and think as a member of the media now in the reconstructing
(34)Further information of the reconstruction and revitalization after the Great East Japan Earthquake ─For rebirth of Tohoku─
(36) Admiration of Civil Engineering Heritages by JSCE:Civil Engineering Heritage Sites Section
Kamigo hot water channels ─With the bressings of nature─
(38) Let's go abroad
Circumstance of Myanmar Engineer
SUZUKI Haruhisa
(40) Alumni of DOBOKU ─The pages for people linked to Japan─
Expansion of Academic Network in Japan into Indonesia
(42) Report Experiment Facilities
River Works based on the understanding of ecosystem ─birth and trajectory of large scale experimental streams─
(44) Numerical Analysis Seminar for Civil Engineer without a mathematical formula
Numerical analysis for hybrid structures without the assumption of integration ─finite element contact analysis
(46) Let’s try to learn great civil engineers
Utsunomiya Saburo ─A pioneer of cement production in Japan
(48) My Bookshelf
(49) The movement of my heart
TANI Kazuo
(50) Professional skills necessary for construction
(52) JSCE Member's Report
Efforts of Restoration and Reconstruction for Northern Kyushu Heavy Rain Disaster in July 2017
MITANI Yasuhiro
(54) Messages from outside
(56) JSCE Update
(58) International Activities Center
(61) JSCE Calendar
(73) News
(73) News
(78) JSCE Calendar
(80) Next Issues
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