JSCE Magazine Summary & Index
Latest Magazine
vol.101 No.11 November 2016
Feature article : New Ways of Mobility and Changes to People’s Lives
Social infrastructure in Japan has been developed on the presumption of population increase during the high economic growth period. However, various problems have emerged at the present time, which include population decline, increase in maintenance costs of infrastructures, decline of public transportation such as buses and railways, mobility limitation and decrease in opportunities of out-of-home trips for elderly people.
So far mobility mainly has mainly responded to the passive request of the necessity of movement such as commuting to work places or schools. However, under the situation of population decline, in order to build a vibrant society, it is important that mobility responds to the active request of willingness to move, and new ways of mobility that can respond to a wide variety of needs are required.
Against this background, this special issue focuses on the expected changes to people’s lives brought by the introduction of new ways of mobility, brings about discussion on the ways of future mobility, and introduces new initiatives toward social implementation.
OMURA Takuya
(04) Feature article
New Ways of Mobility and Changes to People’s Lives
(06) New Mobility × Urban Development
Micro Mobility That Fits Compact City
KANDA Masayuki, KIUCHI Takeo, ISHIDA Haruo
(10) Self-Driving Car × Highway -Moving Into A New Relationship Between Road and Cars-
MIYATA Toshitaka, DOI Kazuhiro, KAWABATA Yumi, ISHIDA Haruo
(14) Introduction of New Mobility Vehicles
(18) Future vision for vehicle safety measures -advanced vehicle technology and MLIT's concept for vehicle safety measures-
KUBOTA Hidenobu
(22) Towards realization of ART(Advanced Rapid Transit)concept
OGUCHI Takashi
(26) Where does the Personal Mobility run ? -On the sidewalk, car lane or bicycle lane-
KIN Toshiaki
(28) Impact of new public transportation system that unifies bus and taxi services -From results of social experiments of Smart Access Vehicles System-
(30) The social implementation of the new mobility in remote island tourism
TERASHITA Mitsuru, DAIKAI Terunobu
(32) Vision and Challenges of Driverless Services
NAGATA Kentaro
(34) Further studies for new mobility
(36) Admiration of Civil Engineering Heritages by JSCE:Civil Engineering Heritage Sites Selection
Ichihara Pedestrian Bridge:Reinforced concrete arch bridge that had supported the Kurama Trail
ABE Daisuke
(38) Letters from Tohoku
Promoting Group Relocation for Disaster Mitigation
(42) Let's go Abroad !
Geodesic survey of Antarctica
SHIMONO Takahiro
(44) Reliable senior engineer !
Full understanding of the ground, based on knowledge of the regionality.
SUWA Seiji
(46) Report Experiment Facilities
Advanced Earthquake Engineering Laboratory -The Center of R&D for safety against earthquake disaster-
OKUNO Tetsuo
(50) Civil Engineering Contents to share with your Family
The archtectiral gymnastics supported by TOKYO SMART DRIVER
(52) My Bookshelf
MURATA Kiyomitsu
(53) JSCE Publications
(54) Power of Careers in Civil Engineering
OKADA Shinichiro
(56) JSCE Member's Report
Establishment of underground visualization for safe and effective excavation work -Development and utilization for underground utility visualization system-
MIKI Hiroshi
(60) Messages from outside
(62) Advisers' Column
(64) International Activities Center
(66) JSCE Update
(73) News
(74) CE Careers
(78) JSCE Calendar
(80) Next Issues
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