JSCE Magazine vol.100 No.8 August 2015
Latest Magazine
vol.100 No.8 August. 2015
No.8 2015
Feature Articles : Challenge for deep-seated landslides
Deep-seated landslide is a giant catastrophic slope failure followed by a large scale debris flow. It occurs in the weathering layer of mountains and hills, often involving the base rock underneath, induced by heavy rain, earthquake or snow melting.
Considering that there had been thirty one deep-seated landslide events from 2001 to 2010 in Japan, the frequency of deep-seated landslide is very small, compared to approximately 1,000 shallow landslide events occurring each year. However, the recent increase in the number of deep-seated landslides occurring worldwide is a worrying trend. Deep-seated landslide is hard to correspond with conventional structural measures. Unlike shallow landslide, as deep-seated landslide involves a large amount of moving sediment, once it occurs, it can exert serious damage to extensive area. Hence, it is extremely important to estimate the disaster site and scale in advance and take nonstructural measures such as evacuation guidance. Also, it is vital to take urgent and appropriate countermeasure to prepare and respond. The risk of deep-seated landslides is expected to continue growing in the future due to the effects of climate change and crustal deformation such as intensive rainfalls triggered by global warming, large-scale earthquakes, and activation of volcanic activities occurring on a global scale. Aiming for disaster prevention and mitigation of Japan in the time of multiple disaster, it is our hope that this special issue provides an understanding of the whole picture of deep-seated landslide, which is new type of geodisasters, gathers the engineers and researchers to challenge together, and serves as a reference to create a mechanism and technology to overcome the deep-seated landslide disasters in the not so distant future.
(02) Presidential Interview
(04) Admiration of Civil Engineering Heritages by JSCE:Civil Engineering Heritage Sites Selection:Enoshima Electric Railway
(06) Feature articles:Challenge for deep-seated landslides
(10) What is deep-seated landslides?
(14) Prediction of potential sites of deep-seated rock avalanches
CHIGIRA Masahiro
(18) Extraction Methods of Areas Tending to Cause Deepseated landslides
MIZUNO Hideaki
(22) The countermeasures against the large-scale landslide dams caused Typhoon Talas, September, 2011
(26) Earthquakes and deep-seated Landslides
(28) Prediction of deep-seated landslide by using hydrological factors
(30) MLIT’s Effort for Emergency Response against Deep Catastrophic Landslide and Natural Dam
(32) Sensing technology for deep-seated landslide
(34) Non-Structural Measures to Deep-seated landslides Effort of "area mapping for sediment disaster prevention"
(36) Future studies for deep-seated landslides.
(38) Letters from Tohoku Large Scale Rezoning Project in Post-Disaster Rikuzentakata
IGA Hiroto
(42) Working Abroad Report from a JICA individual long-term expert,dispatched to UDA of MoC in Vietnam
MIYOSHI Fumihisa
(44) Reliable senior engineer ! Be committed to creating a better town planning, see the creation of the town planning through ─Work is combined with a life for a consulting engineer─
(46) The Dankai junior chronicles At the age of twenty three, striving for a project not to be marked on the map.
(48) Studying Abroad Valuable experiences derived from cross-cultural communication
IKEDA Naotaka
(49) My Bookshelf
OSHIMA Kunihiko
(50) Learning Lessons of Civil Engineering from Great Professors
(54) JSCE Member's Report Becoming "Sendai, the City of Trees Where People Shine" Preparations for the Opening of the Sendai Subway Tozai Line
SATO Masakazu
(56) Report on Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction ABE Masato
(60) Messages from outside
ASAHI Kentaro
(62) JSCE Advisory Council the 8th Meeting Report
(68) Advisers' Column
(70) Pick-and-Choose Updates
(73) International Activity Center
(76) JSCE Updates
(82) CE Careers
(85) News
(87) JSCE Calendar
(90) Next Issues
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