JSCE Magazine 100 No.7 June 2015
Latest Magazine
vol.100 No.7 July. 2015
No.7 2015
Feature Articles : Preparation for Huge Earthquake ─Estimated Nankai Trough Quake and its Seismic Countermeasures
Huge earthquakes have repeatedly struck southwestern Japan throughout our history. The origin of these earthquakes was the Nankai Trough, a subduction boundary where one crustal plate sinks beneath the other in the Pacific Ocean. According to the historical records, such earthquake occurs once in one to two hundred years.
It is concerned that similar earthquakes will strike Japan in the near future. The recent study warns that the probability of such earthquakes is more than 80% for the next 30 years. If that becomes the reality, more than 2 million buildings will get severely damaged and the fatality will reach three hundred thousand in the worst-case scenario. We can never know when and what type of earthquakes will strike. Therefore, we, civil engineers, have to carry out various seismic countermeasures constantly in order to reduce the structural damage and the fatality.
JSCE Magazine, "Civil Engineering" has released several special issues focusing on huge earthquakes. However, the previous publication of such issue was more than a decade ago. Science and technologies has shown great progress during the past 10 years and we can grasp the characteristics of coming earthquakes more precisely today. Seismic countermeasures have been greatly improved as well. This special issue presents the current situation regarding the Nankai Trough earthquake based on the latest studies and projects in various fields.
(02) Presidential Message
HIROSE Noriaki
(03) New Editional Committee Members
(04) Natural Disasters and Their Damages Quick Report of the April 25, 2015, Nepal Earthquake (Mw7.8)
KIYOTA Takashi, MEGURO Kimiro
(08) Admiration of Civil Engineering Heritages by JSCE:Civil Engineering Heritage Sites Selection:Yasunaga Embankment
HIGUCHI Teruhisa
(10) Feature articles Preparation for Huge Earthquake‐Estimated Nankai Trough Quake and its Seismic Countermeasures‐
(12) Advanced researches on the Mega thrust earthquakes around the Nankai trough southwestern Japan‐Suggestion on multidisciplinary researches for disaster mitigation‐
KANEDA Yoshiyuki
(16) Damage Estimated of Nankai-Trough Great Earthquake
(20) Current Measures and Technology Development for Earthquake Resilience Enhancement of Roads
YOSHIDA Toshiharu, SAITO Kiyoshi, UNJOH Shigeki
(24) Countermeasure for Huge Earthquake‐Seismic Design and Crisis-Resilience‐
MURONO Yoshitaka
(28) Reducing earthquake risk in ports and harbors
NOZU Atsushi, KOHAMA Eiji
(32) Disaster Management Measures for Power Supply Facilities(as a part of the BCP)
(34) The seismic design for long period earthquake ground motion in the field of building structure
(36) On building resilience in petrochemical complexes
ASANO Daisuke
(38) Nankai Trough Earthquake Policy in Kochi Prefecture‐Protecting Lives, Supporting Survivors‐
(40) Future Studies for Nankai Trough Quake
(42) Letters from Tohoku
On the progress of reconstruction in the southern coastal region of Iwate Prefecture, ~Efforts as a dispatch staff
(46) Working Abroad The Project for Capacity Development of Sewerage Management in Ho Chi Minh City(Phase 2)
HAMADA Tetsuya
(48) Reliable senior engineer ! An inexhaustible explorer of knowledge
(50) The Dankai junior chronicles
At the age of twenty five, "Actually it's a great profession."
(52) Studying Abroad Visit to Rice University The root of the finite-element computational fluid dynamics
(53) My Bookshelf
(54) Learning Lessons of Civil Engineering from Great Professors
TAMBO Norihito
(58) JSCE Member's Report The Spread of Safe and Eco-Friendly Roundabout‐Approach of Suzaka-city, Nagano
FUJIOKA Katsunori
(60) Messages from outside
(62) Advisers' Column
(64) Pick-and-Choose Updates
(68) International Activity Center
(70) JSCE Updates
(81) News
(83) CE Careers
(86) JSCE Calendar
(88) Next Issues
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