JSCE Magazine Vol.100 No.4 Apr. 2015
Latest Magazine
vol.100 No.4 Apr. 2015
No.4 2015
Feature Articles : Making the best use of limited resources –From the viewpoint of construction materials
Our present life is built on consuming limited resources on the earth. As far as we try to maintain and further develop our present society, it is necessary to consider the scenario that the economically utilizable natural resources would be exhausted in the near future.
Facing the problem of the depletion of high quality natural resources, various efforts have been undertaken in the field of construction materials. This special issue focuses on one of the these efforts, the technology that utilizes alternative materials as construction materials, such as wastes and industrial by-products, or natural resources regarded as not suitable for construction materials so far.
This special issue consists of a keynote article that comprehensively discusses the application of underutilized materials and four articles on case studies. It is our intention that it can make civil engineers, who are involved in consuming a large amount of resources for social infrastructure development, to think about what should be done in order to “make the best use of limited resources”.
(02) Message from the President
ISOBE Masahiko
(04) Admiration of Civil Engineering Heritages by JSCE:Civil Engineering Heritage Sites Selection : Former Sakuradani Power plant –Remains of hydroelectric power left in the land of forestry–
TAMURA Takahiko
(06) Feature articles 1
Making the best use of limited resources –From the viewpoint of construction materials
(08) Preparation for the shortage of natural resources by the application of underutilized materials
(12) Development and Present State of Trapezoidal CSG Dams by Effectively Utilizing Obtainable Materials near Dam Sites
(14) Challenge to take advantage of area expansion of iron and steel slag
(16) The Recycle technology Report of "The mixture of Granulation by Disaster waste and Recycled Crusherrun stone"
OTOMO Shinetsu
(18) Creation of large-sized “Hedro” blocks with ultra-high strength
KASAMA Kiyonobu
(20) Feature articles 2 Trial about "Machizukuri" for the future by Kansai region
(21) It is most important for "Machizukuri" to develop human resources with fertile imagination
MORIKURI Shigekazu
(26) Active and attractive development Various projects using area resources of Kansai
(28) Challenge of "Aqua Metropolis Osaka"
IZUMI Hideaki
(30) A new urban development "Grand Front Osaka" was built at the entrance of Umeda (Osaka) –Town planning by civil cooperation improves worth of surroundings areas–
UEMATSU Hiroyuki
(32) A trial about independent planning by local residents in urban infrastructure development
MUSHIAKI Shinichiro
(34) Letters from Tohoku Damages of waterworks in Sendai City from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Countermeasures against Future Disasters
(38) Working Abroad The IPP Project of Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant in Thailand
KITA Yusuke
(40) Reliable senior engineer ! Striving for higher quality prestressed concrete with a flood of ideas
(42) The Dankai junior chronicles At the age of eighteen,hooked at driving and road maps.
(44) Studying Abroad Practical education in Columbia University and crosscultural
communication Description of second studying abroad of the east and west coast in the
United State
(45) My Bookshelf
(46) Spirit of Civil ENGINEERS MIZUTANI Shigeo, SUZUKI Hiroshi
(48) Committee Report Committee on Underground Space Research
SAKAI Kiichiro
(52) JSCE Member's Report Advanced Technology of Central Circular Shinagawa Route
(56) Educational consortium activities by technical high schools, colleges and universities in KOCHI
GOSO Takashi
(60) Messages from outside
(62) Reply to "Messages from outside"
(66) Advisers' Column
(68) Pick-and-Choose Updates
(72) International Activity Center
(75) JSCE Updates
(82) News
(83) CE Carreers
(86) JSCE Calendar
(90) Next Issues
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