Magazine Vol.98 No.12 Dec. 2013
Latest Magazine
vol.98 No.12 Dec 2013
No.12 2013
Feature Articles :Feature articles:Remote Islands of Japan – To Understand, Protect and Utilize
Japan consists of 6,852 islands which are the basis for the vast Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Various marine resources exist in the EEZ which is also important as an area for the preservation of marine resources. Neritic waters are formed in the surrounding areas of those islands, and they function as a habitat for marine creatures. In particular, due to the importance of marine management and the expectations of the development of marine resources and energy, the Basic Act on Ocean Policy was enacted in 2007, and a new Basic Plan on Ocean Policy was approved by the Cabinet in April 2013, in which the strategically important role of remote islands to the nation has been highlighted.
On the other hand, due to reasons such as geographical constraints, remote islands are left in a relatively precarious situation in terms of the level of economic development and improvement in living standards. In addition, as aging and depopulation is progressing rapidly, and successors of fisheries are decreasing, there arise strong concerns regarding the maintenance of the living environment and local infrastructure.
Although many challenges exist in the environment surrounding remote islands as described above, there are great expectations to overcome the challenges, and various efforts have been made. Hence, aiming to deepen the understanding of remote islands, articles in this special issue discuss the current situation and challenges facing remote islands, introduce efforts to overcome the challenges, and present successful cases that take advantage of the special characteristics of the islands.
(02) Message from the President
(04) Natural Disasters and Their Damages
(08) Admiration of Civil Engineering Heritages by JSCE:Civil Engineering Heritage Sites Selection:Banseitairo – the forerunner of modern Japanese road –
ONODA Shigeru
(10) Feature articles:Remote Islands of Japan – To Understand, Protect and Utilize
(12) The recent trend of legal systems on remote islands - The ideal future on conservation, management and promotion of remotes islands in the borders-
ITO Kazuhisa
(16) Amendment of 'Remote Islands Development Act' and the development of new remote islands policies
UCHIDA Satoshi
(20) Conservation of Okinotorishima that is the southernmost national land in Japan
GODO Hitomi
(22) Isolated island fisheries and Use and protection of fishery resources
(24) Possibility of the ocean energy in the remote islands
ITO Masaharu
(26) Current status and issues for commercial mining of deep-sea mineral resources
OKAMOTO Nobuyuki
(28) Securing the Water Resource in isolated islands ~Subsurface Dam / Freshwater Lens
TERAO Kazuhiko
(30) Delivering treasures of Teuri and Yagishiri Islands to the next generation
YOSHII Atsushi, TERASAWA Takaki, ISONO Sunao
(32) Current status of coastal ecosystems and issues of conservation in the Nansei Archipelago
(34) Activation of industrial heritage in Ikejima island
(36) The Problems of Marine Litter in Remote Islands
(38) Further Study
(40) JSCE Magazine- A Retrospective Look Over the Past 99 Issues - Imperial Capital Reconstruction and the time (1925~1934)
ITOH Kousuke
(44) Letters from Tohoku Situation of disaster waste disposal in Ishinomaki caused by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake~ Assistance for reconstruction of the local economy to recycle the valuable resources from waste
AOYAMA Kazufumi
(48) The Wisdom of Disaster Response - What we learned from the mayor experienced the Tohoku Earthquake
(54) Local-based knowledge for the rapid recovery -Practice of local construction industries in Higashi Matsushima City -
OOTOMO Toshimasa, HASHIMOTO Koichi
(58) Working abroad:Unavoidable Problems for Rural Area Project
(60) My life as Civil Engineer:Vol.11
(62) Committee report International Activities Center
UEDA Tamon
(66) Studying Abroad Stay at Dalhousie University, Canada Days of oceanography and statistics in a peaceful harbour city
IRIE Masayasu
(67) Book review
(68) JSCE Member's Report
(72) Reviewing October issue
(74) Adviser's column
(81) International Activities Center
(82) JSCE Updates
(89) News
(90) CE Careers
(95) New Paper on J-STAGE
(96) JSCE Calendar
(116) This Issue's Contributors
(116) Next Issue
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