Magazine Vol.98 No.6 June 2013
Latest Magazine
vol.98 No.6 Jun. 2013
No.6 2013
Feature Articles :Feature articles:The Problem and Future of Research Institutes - For the Development of the Civil Engineering Technology -
The Problem and Future of Research Institutes ~ For the Development of the Civil Engineering Technology ~
The "Science and Technology Basic Law" of Japan was enacted in 2005. This Law stipulates the guidelines for the promotion of science and technology, and also stipulates that besides the formulation of the Science and Technology Basic Plan, endeavors shall be undertaken to ensure the availability of necessary funds for the implementation of the plan.
At the present time, the 4th Science and Technology Basic Plan which was launched after the Great East Japan Earthquake has been implemented, and five target visions for the country are described in the plan. Of the five target visions, three are closely related o civil engineering, namely 1) A nation achieving sustainable growth and societal development into the future, while accomplishing restoration and rebirth from the disaster; 2) A nation realizing a safe, full and high-quality life for citizens; 3) A nation leading in the resolution of global problems such as large-scale natural disasters, indicating that technological advances in the civil engineering field will be in great demand in the future.
While the technological advance of civil engineering is required, it is difficult to understand the positioning and activities of research institutes in the civil engineering field in spite of its importance for the development of civil engineering technology. Hence, focusing on research institutes, this special issue takes up the topics including what efforts are necessary to achieve beneficial results, and what are the specific issues that need to be tackled on at present, such as the role of research institutes, cultivation of human resources and communication, cooperation with other fields, etc.
(02) Message from the President
ONO Takehiko
(04) Admiration of Civil Engineering Heritages by JSCE:Civil Engineering Heritage Sites Selection:Tadakawa-Bridge - The Dreams of our forefathers come true -
OOSAWA Masaharu
(06) Feature articles:The Problem and Future of Research Institutes - For the Development of the Civil Engineering Technology -
(08) The ideal research institute in the civil engineering field
ISHIKAWA Yutaka, ITO Takashi, TAKAHASHI Shigeo
(12) The present conditions and future attitude of R&D of the general contractors
(16)The first private sector research institute for construction technology -Kajima Technical Research Institute-
HISHIKI Yoshihiro
(18) R&D for continuous growth of railways -Railway Technical Research Institute
(20) The research institute mainly concerned with investigation and research -Mitsubishi Research Institute-
(22) The world wide Institute for ports and airports based on basic researches and field studies -Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI)-
(24) Fundamental technologies for satellite - based Earth observation data applications - JAXA Earth Observation Research Center-
(26) Research on strategic maintenance and life extension of infrastructure stocks
(28) The research on mitigation of the earthquake damage - Research & Development Center of JR East Group -
IWATA Michitoshi
(30) Mitigation technology to the great earthquake hazard - The role of technical research institutes of construction companies -
(32) Application of Japanese technology to improve international competitiveness
(34)Implementation of research on disaster environment - Towards recovery and restoration from disasters and environmental creation -
(36) Unique energy and environmental studies aiming at smart–city contractor - An example of R&D having influence on business strategy -
(38) Further Study
(40) Working abroad:Development of sustainable sanitation system for Sahel region JICA-JST program of SATREPS:Improving Sustainable Water and Sanitation Systems in Sahel Region in Africa:Case of Burkina Faso
ITO Ryusei
(42) My life as Civil Engineer:Vol.6
(44) Committee report Landscape and Design Committee
FUKUI Tsuneaki
(48) Studying Abroad
IWATA Takafumi
(49) Book review
(50) Letters from Tohoku Damage Situation and Recovery Plan of Otsuchi Town
AOKI Toshihiro
(52) Reviewing April issue
(54) Adviser's column
(56) JSCE Updates
(63) News
(64) CE Careers
(65) New books
(68) New Paper on J-STAGE
(69) JSCE Calendar
(72) Next Issue
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