Vol.99 No.12 Dec.2014
Latest Magazine
vol.99 No.12 Dec. 2014
No.12 2014
Feature Articles : Public-Private-Partnership of civil engineering –Challenge to the new structure–
Facing the shrinking population, declining birthrate, and the aging society, it is a common forecast that the financial resource of the government will continue to decrease. Downfall of the government budgets leads to reduction of public investment, and this fact is making it more and more difficult for the stakeholders to keep up with the ongoing system of construction and maintenance of civil engineering related to public facilities. This is why the civil engineering system is said to be facing a big challenge, growing out of the long-established direct provision of the public infrastructure by the government alone.
As an approach to these problems, utilization of “private sector vitality” into the public has been collecting a lot of attention. By encouraging the private businesses to participate in the public projects from the early stage, it is possible to raise more financial resources from the private enterprise. Additionally, public sectors joining the team at the early stage may lead to flexible idea creation and new possibilities.
On the other hand, when public sectors play the role of civil engineering solely by the market competition principles, it will be difficult to insure the implementation of functions required as public infrastructure. We must also always be aware of negative effects of the market mechanism.
Utilization of the private sector vitality has not been implemented to the civil engineering business so much, since private sectors must take risks that public sectors used to take. This article aims to grasp the situation of private sector vitality utilization by introducing examples in Japan and also in the world. Our goal is clarifying the key factor for a successful private sector vitalization in the field of civil engineering in the future.
(02) JSCE Centennial Declaration –Transcending the Boundaries of Civil Engineering to Construct the Foundation for a Sustainable Society–
(10) Admiration of Civil Engineering Heritages by JSCE:Civil Engineering Heritage Sites Selection:Gosen Waterworks
OMURA Takuya
(12) Feature articles Public-Private-Partnership of civil engineering–Challenge to the new structure–
(14) Future Scope of PFI / PPP in Japan
(18) What are the key for success in infrastructure privatization / concession deals abroad ?
(22) The Chuo Shinkansen project using the Superconducting Maglev System
UNO Mamoru
(24) Effort on Project Promotion“PPP” over Reconstruction Road Development
(26)Tokyo International Airport International Apron PFI Project –The First Civil Engineering PFI Big Project in Japan–
OHTSUKA Noriyuki, MIZUKAMI Junichi
(28) PPP under the leadership of the Port Corporation established by the public sectors
KANEDA Takayuki
(30) Improvement in value of the toll road by a private sector proposal A new road management business that Shiraito Highland Way to challenge
(32) Photovoltaic power generation facility installation project that supported at the time of disasters by “donation with burden” of the public-private partnerships
(34) Naming Rights Projects introducing the vitality of the private sector in Yokohama City in the future
NAKAMURA Toshiyuki
(36) Waterside practical use of Hiroshima by citizens
(38) Possibility and Problem of Business Development in Small and Medium Size Hydraulic Power Generation
OTSUKA Hisanori
(40) Seek the role of civil engineering in encouraging vitality of the private sector to infrastructure projects.
OSHIMA Kunihiko, INOUE Makoto, AKAHANE Takashi
(44) Future study for Public-Private-Partnership of civil engineering
(46) Natural Disasters and Their Damages Damage in Tokushima Prefecture by Typhoon No.12 and No.11, 2014.
(48) Report on flood damages in Kochi prefecture due to heavy rain by Typhoon 12th and 11th in August 2014
(50) Letters from Tohoku Activities for Regional Revitalization in Fukushima University
YAMAGUCHI Katsuhiko, KAWATSU Kencho, TSUKADA Hirofumi
(54) Working Abroad Efforts of JICA individual long-term expert to resolve Urban problems in UB city
(56) Learning Lessons of Civil Engineering from Great Professors
(60) Committee Report Civil Engineering Audio-Visual Committee
(64) Studying Abroad Learn from Stuttgart
(65) Book review
(66) JSCE Member's Report Began to move the multipurpose use infrastructure- Challenge to the regulations and practices
(70) Reviewing October issue
(72) Advisers' Column
(76) Pick-and-Choose Updates
(80) International Activities Center
(81) JSCE Updates
(95) News
(96) CE Careers
(102) JSCE Calendar
(122) Next Issues
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