Vol.99 No.9 Sep.2014
Latest Magazine
vol.99 No.9 Sep. 2014
No.9 2014
Feature Articles 1 : Centennial Jubilee of Civil Engineering Legacy and the Resolute Mission for Evolutionary Designs
Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2014. When JSCE was established in 1914, Midosuji Boulevard and subway Midosuji Line beneath the Boulevard had already been completed in Osaka. These facilities even after more than 100 years, are fulfilling their mission and objectives. This is exactly the type of large-scale project that is suitable as a prime example for the long-term planning for centennial year.
A large number of social infrastructure projects have been developed to support the rapid development of society in the era of high-growth period, and it has further accelerated the development of society. Since then, Japan has moved into a maturity period from the growth period. Today we are entering a period with no clear direction for further social development. We have to visualize a future image of ideal Japanese society on our own.
With the main theme of “Centennial Jubilee of Civil Engineering Legacy and the Resolute Mission for Evolutionary Designs”, the national convention this year will be held in Osaka. Based on this theme, this special issue looks back at the history of social capital infrastructure development in Kansai up to now, and portrays the image of future society based on the on-going projects. It is our intention that this special issue would be of use when considering the next long-term planning for centennial year. This special issue is composed of 3 parts: “Past”, “Present”, and “Future”.
(02) Admiration of Civil Engineering Heritages by JSCE:Civil Engineering Heritage Sites Selection:Weir and Channel for Water Intake of Nagashino Hydroelectric Power Station ─ the Niagara Hydroelectric Power Station System and Flow of the Waterfall ─
(04) Feature articles 1:Centennial Jubilee of Civil Engineering Legacy and the Resolute Mission for Evolutionary Designs
(06) Railway Construction and Regional Development along the Railroads by Hankyu Corporation
(08) Construction of Midosuji Boulevard based on a plan with foresight ─ Simultaneous construction with the Subway Midosuji line,the first municipal subway
HORI Motoharu, YAMAMUKAI Kaoru
(10) The construction of Meishin Expressway
(12) Construction and Management of Hanshin Expressway
(14) Expo’70 in Osaka and the construction of urban infrastructure
OBANA Eijiro
(16) KANSAI SCIENCE CITY ─ The New Cultural Capital, Keihanna
(18) Lake Biwa Comprehensive Development Project
(20) Construction of Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
ITO Shinichiro
(22) Infrastructure development of railway in Osaka metropolitan area
ASAI Toshihiko, TAKAO Kazuhiro
(24) Road infrastructure development in Kansai area
(26) The gas trunk line extends and goes across the Kansai region
(28) Infrastructure construction for Hanshin Port as an International Hub Port
AIKI Tsuyoshi
(30) History and future prospect of Kansai International Airport Construction Project
EMURA Tsuyoshi
(32) The Osaka Bay Phoenix Project supporting six prefectures in Kinki Area towards the environmentally friendly massive waste disposal management
(34) A Vision of KANSAI for the Next 100 Years
(38) Feature articles 2:Thinking about consensus building for creating towns and regions resistant to tsunami disaster
(40) The role of sewalls in tsunami disaster mitigation
SATO Shinji
(44) Efforts to develop Tsunami-resilient Communities
GODO Hitomi
(48) Consensus building in City Planning for Tsunami disaster prevention ─ the case of Iwate Prefecture ─
MINAMI Masaaki
(52) The conflict between town planning and coastal levee project on reconstruction projects from the tsunami disaster on 2011, in case of Miyagi Prefecture Japan.
HIRANO Katsuya
(56) Discussion on creation of sustainable coastal communities resistant to tsunami disaster ─Preparing for risk of tsunami disaster by the vitality of local society─
NAKAI Yu, SAKAI Shigeki, SEINO Satoquo
(60) Working Abroad Light Rapid Transit System is under construction in the International Tourist City of Macau, China to improve the Transportation Infrastructure
KANEKO Yoshitaka
(62) Learning Lessons of Civil Engineering from Great Professors
(66) Committee Report Social Communication Committee
NAKAI Masahiko, KOMATSU Atsushi
(70) Studying Abroad My Life at Stanford University ─Studying Civil Engineering from Different Perspective
MATSUDA Shunichi
(71) Book Review
(72) Reviewing July issue
(74) JSCE Advisory Council The 6th Meeting Report
(80) Advisers' Column
(82) International Activity Center
(83) JSCE Updates
(93) News
(94) CE Careers
(99) JSCE Calendar
(102) Next Issues
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