Vol.99 No.8 Aug.2014
Latest Magazine
vol.99 No.8 Aug. 2014
No.8 2014
Feature Articles :Feature articles Sustainable Urban Development Advancing Together with the Integration of Transport Systems ─Utilizing Environmental friendly transport systems─
Japan has progressed into an automobile society rapidly since 1960. This has greatly improved the convenience of mobility and expanded the urban area at a fast pace. However, this has also brought about several problems such as chronic traffic congestion, air pollution, and increase in traffic accidents. In addition, taking a look at our lives, life styles are changing along with “population declining” or “reducing birth rate and aging population”, resulting in diversified issues surrounding the living environment. Under such circumstances, currently many efforts to redesign transport systems and regenerate urban infrastructure have been made all over Japan.
Therefore, this special issue focuses on “Urban development advancing with the integration of transport systems”, which has growing importance in both reducing environmental impact, and coping with declining birth rate and population aging. Through introduction of the “Best practices of urban development advancing together with the integration of transport systems”, and “Cases of introducing and utilizing environmental friendly transport systems”, it is our intention to provide an opportunity to think about “what should civil engineers do” in order to create a comfortable living environment.
(02) Presidential Interview
ISOBE Masahiro, SHIMIZU Eihan
(04) Admiration of Civil Engineering Heritages by JSCE:Civil Engineering Heritage Sites Selection:The Historical Stone Arch Bridges in Yamagata ─various stone bridges by local stonemasons─
ABE Takahiro
(06) Feature articles Sustainable Urban Development Advancing Together with the Integration of Transport Systems ─Utilizing Environmental friendly transport systems─
(08) Basic Concept of “Transport-based Machizukuri”
(12) How the introduction of a well-structured public transportation system has revitalized the central area of French cities “A hint to understand how Japanese cities could become more pleasant to walk and live in”
(16) Developing Policy of Compact City Toyama ─Advanced Compact City Measures Using Various Methods and Techniques─
KANDA Masayuki
(18) Pedestrian friendly in Matsuyama city ─Mobility design for happiness from the period of child rearing to retirement─
ISHII Tomonori
(20) The city planning in Freiburg ─Example for social ecological residential district Vauban─
(22) A challenge of public-private partnership:the development of next-generation suburbs ─Reviving the residential area surrounding Tama Plaza station with the involvement of the residents─
TOURA Ryosuke
(24) Let's Ride on Your Town! ─Choi-mobi YOKOHAMA:rent here, drop there─
HARA Kayoko
(26) Kashiwa city' challenge for the realization of ITS Smart City ─The efforts to resolve urban transportation problems using ITS─
(28) Using「Hitachi BRT」to rebuild our city ─Changing an out-of-service railway line into a chance for urban development─
AKAGI Masatoshi
(30) Low carbon collection and delivery system by using train
(32) Transportation and city 50 years in the future
OTA Katsutoshi, MORIKAWA Takayuki
(36) Further study for "Transportation and City"
(38) JSCE Magazine-A Retrospective Look Over the Past 99 Issues Immutability and fluidity in civil engineering
SHIRAI Yoshiki
(42) Letters from Tohoku
(42) The measure for restoration of The National Highway Route45 stricken by the Great East Japan Earthquake
(44) Activities in Iwate University for assisting restoration
OGASAWARA Toshinori, ITO Ayumi
(48) Working Abroad Bridge Condition Assessment in the United States
(50) Holiday's special CE activity
(52) Committee Report Committee on Structural Engineering
(56) Studying Abroad My experience of studying structural engineering in Seattle
(57) Book Review
(58) Reviewing June issue
(60) Advisers' Column
(62) International Activity Center
(63) JSCE Updates
(68) CE Careers
(75) JSCE Calendar
(78) Next Issues
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