Vol.99 No.7 Jul.2014
Latest Magazine
vol.99 No.7 Jul. 2014
No.7 2014
Feature Articles : Feature articles Present and future asset management ─Progress, Outcomes and Problems in 10 years─
Ten years have passed since the asset management system had been widely introduced in Japan. The word “Asset Management” first appeared in the 2003 report of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Then, Challenge for Asset Management was published by JSCE, Japan Society of Civil Engineering, in 2005. The asset management system became well known, and many studies have been conducted in order to construct theories and seek practical methods of asset management system. Meanwhile, deterioration-prediction-method and Information and Communications Technology made marked progress.
Recently, all prefectures and ordinance-designated cities have their own bridge management plans and make them public. However, the repair work for bridges based upon those plans has not been carried out sufficiently. It is extremely important to carry out inspection, evaluation, repair, and retrofit properly as a cycle of maintenance work. Nevertheless, the maintenance cycle does not work well because of the lack of human resources, budget, and knowledge. As a result, there are a lot of unrepaired bridges remaining. On the other hand, asset management system emphasized an importance of preventive maintenance, and it improved bridge maintenance policies in some local governments. In a word, asset management system has both achievements and problems so far.
The journal of JSCE has previously dealt with asset management system several times, but those articles only referred to theories, frameworks, and technologies for asset management system. This special issue focuses more on the practical side of asset management and aims to reveal achievements in these 10 years and problems about current asset management system.
(02) Presidential Message
ISOBE Masahiko
(03) New Editional Committee Members
(04) Admiration of Civil Engineering Heritages by JSCE:Civil Engineering Heritage Sites Selection:Hokutan Ikushyubetsu Coalmine Nishiki Shaft –Oldest shaft in Hokkaido gathering attention by designation as a Japanese Geopark-
(06) Feature articles:Present and future asset management─Progress, Outcomes and Problems in 10 years─
(08) How to maintain infrastructures in future ─Issues and prospects of bridge maintenance in local governments ─
Team AM
(12) Future Prospects of Asset Management System for Infrastructure
OZAWA Kazumasa
(18) Asset Management feels like running a marathon ─The situation and the task of efforts in miyazaki prefecture are finally revealed─
(22) The maintenance management strategy of the wharf facilities shifted to the type of preventive maintenance
(26) Operational reform by asset management in Wastewater Utility
(30) Toward the advancement of maintenance and updating of Expressway
(34) Development of systems and human resources to support the infrastructure management
TAKAGI Akiyoshi
(38) Further Studies for present and future asset management
(40) JSCE Magazine-A Retrospective Look Over the Past 99 Issues Achievement and the new departure of Civil Engineering
SHIRAI Yoshiki
(44) Letters from Tohoku
(44) The Current Status and Challenges of the Reconstruction of Iwate
SATOU Satoru
(48) Progress on Off-site Cleanup Efforts in Japan
(52) Working Abroad The Role of the Engineer in Overseas Construction Project ─Pahang─Selangor Row Water Transfer Project in MALAYSIA─
(54) Holiday's special CE activity
(56) Committee Report Special Study Committee on Priority Issues of Infrastructure Maintenance and Renewal
(60) Studying Abroad The experience at The University of New South Wales water research laboratory
ARITA Mamoru
(61) Book Review
(62) JSCE Member's Report Original construction technologies developed by Fukui Pref.
(66) Reviewing May issue
(68) Advisers' Column
(70) International Activity Center
(71) Pick-and-Choose Updates
(77) JSCE Updates
(90) News
(94) CE Carreers
(97) JSCE Calender
(100) Next Issues
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