No.2 2015 JSCE Magazine
Latest Magazine
vol.100 No.2 Jan. 2015
No.2 2015
Feature Articles : Education for International Engineers in Universities ─ for ASEAN students who like civil engineering in Japan and for Japanese students who like ASEAN countries-
In recent years, education programs that aim to cultivate human resources that can play an active role in the international arena have been implemented in many universities. Although previously the counterparts of international exchange education programs are mainly universities in the U.S and European countries, in recent years, the number of education programs that place attention on Asian countries, in particular ASEAN countries have been increasing. The objectives of these education programs are cultivating Japanese students to acquire the ability to understand what people in ASEAN countries, their potential counterparts, are thinking of, and giving opportunities to students in ASEAN countries to familiarize with technologies and management techniques of Japan. This special issue, focusing on international exchange education programs with ASEAN countries, aims to find out a desirable way for international engineer education, in order to foster fans of ASEAN countries in Japan, and fans of Japanese civil engineering in ASEAN countries. It is our intention that this special issue will provide an opportunity to think about the direction to take in order to cultivate international engineers which is an urgent issue.
(02) Message from the President
ISOBE Masahiko
(04) Natural Disasters and Their Damages Damages Caused by the Earthquake in Northern Nagano Prefecture on November 22, 2014
(08) Quick Report of the Nov. 22, 2014, Northern part of Nagano Prefecture Earthquake
KONAGAI Kazuo, YOSHIMI Masayuki, HATA Yoshiya, GOTO Hiroyuki, IKEDA Takaaki
(12) Admiration of Civil Engineering Heritages by JSCE:Civil Engineering Heritage Sites Selection :Ogawa Waterway ─It was inherited for a long time,which is utilized now─
NAITO Mitsuhiko
(14) Feature articles
Education for International Engineers in Universities─for ASEAN students who like civil engineering in Japan and for Japanese students who like ASEAN countries-
(16) How to develop international engineers ?
OHTSU Hiroyasu
(20) Current trends and issues of education for international engineers
MIKI Chitoshi, MATSUMOTO Hideto, TAMAKI Tadashi
(24) Training of Global Environmental Leaders Designing a Low-carbon Society
(26) Master’s Double Degree Program with the universities in Indonesia
DEGUCHI Chikashi
(28) Development of International Program at Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
(30) Global Business Leader Project Focused in Asia
(32) No Difference between Japanese Student and International Student in Education
(34) Suggestions on how to enhance active engineers overseas - based on the experiences of an international consultant
(36) Expectation for academic education to foster human resources from the point of view of international technology transfers to developing untries
MIYATA Masafumi
(38) Asia needs more and better quality civil engineers !
Seetharam Kallidaikurichi
(40) Human Resource Development for Grobal Engineering by International Activities Center, JSCE
UEDA Tamon
(42) Future study for Education for International Engineers in Universities
(44) Letters from Tohoku Reconstruction Plan of Machikata, Otsuchi Town, Kamihei County, Iwate Prefecture FUKUSHIMA Hideya48 Working Abroad The World Largest Polymer Chemistry Complex Construction Project
UEHARA Hiroshi
(50) Reliable senior engineer ! The Professional ─Protector of Tokaido Shinkansen─
KAWADA Hirotake
(52) The Dankai junior chronicles At the age of fifteen, Seto-ohashi called me.
(54) Studying Abroad The experience of studying at University of California, Berkeley ─The motives and difficulties of studying abroad ─ NOMURA Sanami
(55) My Bookshelf
KUBOTA Hisashi
(56) Spirit of Civil Workers
(58) Committee Report Committee of Geotechnical Engineering
(62) JSCE Member's Report Shinkansen summer seminar for international students studying in Japan
(66) Messages from outside
(68) Reviewing December issue
(70) Advisers' Column
(72) International Activity Center
(76) JSCE Updates
(79) News
(81) CE Carreers
(84) JSCE Calendar
(88) Next Issues
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