Report of the 13th International Summer Symposium
Date: Friday, 26 August 2011
Venue: Uji Campus, Kyoto University
The Thirteenth International Summer Symposium organized by the International Activities Committee of JSCE (Chair: Prof. Tamon Ueda, Hokkaido University) was held at Uji Campus, Kyoto University on 26 August 2011. The symposium is held annually so as to provide an opportunity to exchange information and ideas associated with various aspects of civil engineering among international students and engineers, including Japanese. Another objective of the symposium is to promote international exchange and mutual understanding between international communities and Japanese students and engineers. The symposium started in 1999 and has received high reputation as a valuable opportunity for exchanges among students and engineers in English. In the symposium proceedings, papers through full review process are inserted.
The Thirteenth Summer Symposium was supported by the International Scientific Exchange Fund, JSCE. The symposium was aided by the two Kyoto University Global COE programs, Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities, and Sustainability/Survivability Science for a Resilient Society Adaptable to Extreme Weather Conditions.
The number of attendants of the symposium was 124 (foreign students/engineers: 75; Japanese students/engineers: 14; Committee members and others: 35). This year's keynote lecture was given by Prof. Hitoshi Furuta, Kansai University and the former chair of International Activities Committee of JSCE, entitled "Applications of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering". In the technical sessions, 77 technical presentations from 7 areas in civil engineering were presented. The symposium was brought to a close with the Reception where there were lively exchanges between the participants. The "Certificate of Excellence" was awarded, during this reception, to 19 speakers for their outstanding papers and presentations.
The award winners are: Rajendra Soti (The University of Tokyo) / Shanker Dhakal (Ehime University) / Rusnardi Rahmat Putra (Kyoto University) / Sherliza Zaini Sooria (Kyoto University) / Sha Lou (Nagasaki University) / Manojkumar Langhi (Kyoto University) / Khoi Nguyen Dao (University of Yamanashi) / Netrananda Sahu (Kyoto University) / Nguyen Hoang Duc (Tokyo Metropolitan University) / Seto Wahyudi (The University of Tokyo) / Deepak Raj Bhat (Ehime University) / Mohsin Usman Qureshi (The University of Tokyo) / Rama Mohan Pokhrel (Saitama University) / Muneyoshi Numada (The University of Tokyo) / Esmael Mohamed Omer (Institute of Transport Policy Studies) / Yong Wu (Nagoya University) / Usman Akmal (Yokohama National University) / Yunjing Wang (Nagoya University) / Xin Tian (Nagoya University)
(Keiichi Toda, Chair, Organizing Committee of the Thirteenth International Summer Symposium, JSCE)
Technical Session
Award Winners