Report of the 6st International Summer Symposium
Date: 31 July 2004
Venue: Saitama University
The Sixth International Summer Symposium organized by the International Activities Committee of JSCE (Chair: Prof. Shunji Kusayanagi) was held at Saitama University on 31 July 2004. The Summer Symposium is held annually so as to provide an opportunity to exchange information and ideas on various aspects of civil engineering among international and Japanese students and engineers. Its objective is also to promote international exchange and mutual understanding between international communities and Japanese students and engineers. The Summer Symposium started in 1999 and has had a high reputation as a valuable opportunity for exchanges among students and engineers in English. The Sixth Summer Symposium was partially funded by the International Scientific Exchange Fund, JSCE.
144 people attended the event (84 international students / engineers & 60 Japanese). Keynote lectures were given by Dr. Chi-Tso Chang from Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Ltd. (Taiwan) entitled “Tunneling in loosely cemented sand layer/stiff clay-Lantan Tunnel” and by Prof. Kusayanagi, entitled “Looking again at the mission of civil engineering and civil engineers in Japan.”
There were a total of 90 technical presentations from 7 areas in civil engineering. The symposium was brought to a close with the Get-Acquainted Reception where there were lively and friendly exchanges between the participants.
The "Certificate of Excellence" was awarded during this reception to 14 speakers for their outstanding papers and presentations. The award winners are: Ryosuke Tanino (Saitama University), Dionysius M. Siringoringo (University of Tokyo), Rabin Tuladhar (Saitama University), Muhammad Waheed Sarwar (University of Tokyo), Phung Dang Hieu (Saitama University), Mahadevan Pathmathevan (University of Tokyo), Manuel Builes (University of Tokyo), Katsuyuki Ichiba (Saitama University), Kali Prasad Nepal (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Tuenjai Fukuda (Chuo University), Kamal Babu Adhikary (Saitama University), Ha Minh (Saitama University), Bilal Bakht (Saitama University), Sunethra Kanthi Gunathilake (University of Peradeniya). The Symposium closed with a promise to meet again at the Seventh International Summer Symposium to be held next year.
(Yasunao Matsumoto, Chair, Organizing Committee of the Sixth International Summer Symposium, JSCE,)