Report of the 2nd International Summer Symposium
Date: 28 July 2000
Venue: Tokyo Institute of Technology
JSCE is extending its activities in the international areas in order to foster mutual understanding and cooperation between the international community and Japanese students/engineers. JSCE recognizes that the exchange of ideas among international students/engineers plays a crucial role in strengthening and reinforcing the core knowledge and technologies of civil engineering as a whole. In consideration of this, JSCE held the First International Summer Symposium last year in Tokyo.
The Second Summer Symposium was held at Tokyo Institute of Technology in Ookayama, Tokyo, on July 28, 2000. The Second Symposium gathered exactly 100 papers and the topics covered the following 7 areas: (1)Structural Engineering, (2)Earthquake Engineering, (3)Hydraulics, (4)Geotechnical Engineering, (5)Materials, (6)Urban Planning and Transportation, and (7)Environment.
This Symposium puts emphasis on providing opportunities to make network with each other as well as on the presentation of academic theses. The Second Symposium enjoyed participation of 105 international students/engineers and 48 Japanese members. Also, the following presenters were awarded the "Certificate of Excellence" for their excellent presentations.
Bimal Babu Adhikary (Saitama University), Tara Nidhi Bhattarai (Kyushu University), Sakda Chaiworawitkul (The University of Tokyo), Ashis Kumar Dey (Nagoya University), Dilum Dissanayake (Nagoya University), Dushmanta Dutta (The University of Tokyo), Mauliddya Indah Junica (Tokyo Metropolitan University), Manakan Lertsamattyyaku (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Ravichandra Nadarajah (The University of Tokyo), Takahiro Nishida (Tokyo Institute of Technology), D.G.Tilak Priyadarshana (Saitama University), HellySulistyawan Putro (Yokohama National University), Anat Ruangrassamee (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Jun-ichi Sakai (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Troung Hong Tien (Nagoya University), Xiaofeng Wu (Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd.), Wael A. Zatar(Saitama University), Mulan Zhu (Nikken Consultants,Inc.)