CCES-JSCE Joint Seminar on Steel and Composite Bridges
(w/ CCES and The Committee on Steel Structure, Jan 16-17, 2007)
China-Japan Joint Seminar on Steel and Composite Bridges was held at Tongji University in Shanghai, China on 16-17 January 2007 under the auspices of both CCES (China Civil Engineering Society) and JSCE (Japan Society of Civil Engineers) with the full support of Department of Bridge Engineering in Tongji University.
The seminar began with the opening speech by Prof. Hai-Fan Xiang, Tongji University. Prof. Yoda, Waseda Univ., gave a keynote lecture on "JSCE Specifications for Steel and Composite Structures" to introduce Japanese new performance-based limit state design codes scheduled for publication in the spring 2007. As a Chinese side keynote lecture, Prof. Yao-Jun Ge, Tongji University presented "Longest Chinese Steel Bridges under Construction" to show construction activity of long-span bridges in China. Then, eleven research lectures including four Japanese side lectures were presented.
The proceeding for the seminar was published, in which seventeen papers from JSCE and CCES were included. There were about 80 participants in the seminar. It is expected that this seminar promotes future collaboration and developments among engineers and researchers of Japan and China.
Finally, we would like to express our sincere thanks to Prof. H. F. Xiang and the other members of the organized committee who kindly arranged for the seminar.
Reported by:
Yoshiaki OKUI
Saitama University
Opening speech by Prof. H. F. Xiang
Presentation by Prof. Yoda