JSCE-VIFCEA Joint Seminar on Concrete Engineering
(w/ VIFCEA and The Concrete Committee, Dec 8, 2005)
JSCE-VIFCEA Joint Seminar Program
- K. Sakai (Kagawa University)
The JSCE Durability Design of Concrete Structures and a Proposal to Vietnam Construction Industry - N. T. Dich (Vice-president of Vietnam Concrete Association)
Some Peculiarities of Concrete Technology in the Condition of Hot Humid Climate of Vietnam - K. Uji (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Roller Compacted concrete Dam and Utilization of Fly Ash in Japan - H. Yokota (Port and Airport Research Institute)
Performance-Based Design of Concrete Structures - JSCE Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures on Structural Performance Verification - T. D. P. Oanh (Hazama Corporation)
Study on the Heat of Hydration of Mass Concrete - Case of DaiNinh Hydropower Project: CW2 - DaNhim Spillway Concrete - T. Yoshioka (Oriental Construction)
The Latest Technologies of Prestressed Concrete Bridges in Japan - T. Kawai (Shimizu Corporation)
State-Of-The-Art Report on High-Strength Concrete in Japan - Recent Developments and Applications - N. Hung (Chau Thoi Concrete Corporation 620) and N. V. Chanh (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology)
The Development of Durable High Performance Concrete in Vietnam) - A. Matsui (Nghi Son Cement Corporation)
The Introduction of Cement and Concrete Technology in Vietnam and Japan - T. Fukushima (Pacific Consultants International)
Saigon East-West Highway Project - T. D. P. Oanh (Hazama Corporation)
Wet Shotcrete
Reported by:
Kagawa University
Opening Ceremony
Opening Remarks by Prof. Sakai