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MITANI Hiroshi (President's presentations)

Special Presidential Committee Report

Prof. Dr. Masanori HAMADA, President of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) established a special presidential committee on The Future of Civil Engineering and the Role of Civil Engineers?h. This committee has completed the final report and submitted to the president. The main items of the report of this special committee as follows:

  1. Current Circumstances and Future of Civil Engineering and Issues
  2. The Role of Civil Engineering and Civil Engineers
  3. Capacities and Qualities Required of Civil Engineers
  4. The Role and Concrete Policies of the Japan Society of Civil Engineer

The report firstly summarized the roles of civil engineers in the development of Japan in the past and its contributions to Asian countries and worldwide.

Secondly, the report described roles of civil engineers to create a sustainable safe and secure world community through strong participation of public by utilizing best knowledge and achievements of civil engineering.

Thirdly, the report pointed out the capacities and qualities required for civil engineers to achieve their roles. And finally the report summarized the roles and expected activities by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers.

Prof. Dr.Omer AYDAN
Secretary of Special presidential Committee on Future of Civil Engineering

"Roles of Civil Engineers for Disaster Mitigation under Changes of Natural and Social Environments"

Lecture at Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University on January 11, 2007

With Prof. Yang, President of CICHE
at a welcome reception

Lecture at NTU


Welcome address of ASCE President

A view of breakout and discussion session